Students are given freedom to express themselves through writing and art. Their level of maturity and talent always takes us by surprise. This hub channelizes their
energy, gives them a voice and helps them express their emotions through literary and artistic pursuits.
Puppet making Is a wonderful way for children to express their creativity, enhance fine motor skills and develop story telling abilities. To nurture the creativity in children a Puppet Making activity was organised in the Montessori Department on 6.10.23. During this activity, the children had the chance to design and craft the puppets, sparkling their imagination. Little learners showed their creativity and designed their own puppets through various paper craft techniques like paper pasting, paper folding, paper crumbling etc. Since the children were given the freedom to choose their puppet, they were able to display their vivid imagination by decorating the puppets using different decorative material to get aesthetically designed finished puppet. The activity was concluded by giving children information about different types of birds and they were encouraged to speak about the bird puppet they have created.
This year's Summer Projects were based on the theme "The World of Flora and Fauna." Children were assigned some art and craft projects that are to be showcased during the Summer Exhibition. The activity week is a yearly tradition since it is an extension of the summer assignment that students complete in their classrooms under the direction and supervision of their teachers. The week's activities were designed to teach children about the environment we live in, the living things that are a part of it, and how to be sensitive to them as well because the planet Earth on which we live belongs to them too. children participated with great vigour and enthusiasm to display their creativity and innate talents. All classes participated in a plethora of activities. The art and craft activity week successfully provided a platform for our little ones to engage in creative endeavours and explore new creative work. It was a great way for our aspiring artists to express themselves and gave them a boost of self-assurance. The activity week centred around the wide range of creative work done by the children, like the making of photo frames and table mats, nest making, making birds with hand printing, making ice cream stick crafts, making popsicle stick dogs, making farm animals out of paper bags, using waste materials like paper cups, feathers, studs, and many more. These hands-on activities developed a sense of excitement and enthusiasm in children.
Mothers are god's greatest gift. A mother is the child's first friend and teacher. To cultivate a feeling of gratitude in the students, the Montessori Department organised a craft activity on the occasion of Mothers’ Day. The students prepared badges and crowns for their super moms with the help of their facilitator. They could acknowledge the great efforts of their mothers in their lives. Mothers, who play an integral role in the child's upbringing, must have their hard work recognised not just on one day but each day by their children.
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav – The theme was extended with an interesting activity “Proud to be an Indian”.
To mark the glorious occasion, the children of Montessori Department were dressed up in white Kurta Pyjama/white suit with a tri-coloured sash, to show their love and respect towards the country.
They were explained the importance of the day with the help of a PPT and an informative video. The day became lively when our tiny tots participated actively in variety of craft activities like Tricolor hangings, greeting cards, badges, kites etc. to showcase their creativity & to spread happiness on this special occasion.
To add more fun to the celebration, children brought tricolour food in their lunch. They enjoyed eating tricolor food like sandwiches, pasta, rice, idlis etc. The day was concluded with a rhythmic session where the kids danced on patriotic songs and rhymes.
It made our heart filled with pride to see our children spreading the colours of Independence across the department. The 75th Independence Day was celebrated with great zeal & enthusiasm.
ACTIVITY WEEK 12.07.22 to 15.07.22
A fun- filled & vibrant activity week was conducted in the Montessori department from 12.07.22 to 15.07.22 which gave hands- on experience to the students to go beyond their horizons to explore and to create something new. Themes like Indian Festivals, Transport, Global awareness- Say No to Plastic, Animal & Bird preservation, Games & sports etc. were taken during this one-week extravaganza. Children were involved in various art & craft activities to highlight these themes. All the children participated enthusiastically and enjoyed doing activities such as paper tearing and pasting, vegetable printing, paper crumbling, cotton & bud printing etc. These activities not only helped in entertaining these young learners but also played an important role in their physical/ motor and cognitive development.
For a child, celebrating events and festivals in school has become an integral part of growing, learning new activities and building a strong cultural belief.
Mother's Day is a celebration honouring the mother as well as motherhood and influence of mothers in the society. The Montessori department celebrated the most special day with the children to show their love and respect to their mothers.
To inculcate creativity in kids they made photo frames and greeting cards on this special occasion with the help of decorative material and photographs of their mother. All the tiny-tots enthusiastically participated in the activity. They also enjoyed the song on mother’s day.
EARTH DAY – 22.04.22
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children!
To sensitize and to create awareness among the children towards their role in protecting our Mother Earth, the activity of celebrating Earth Day was carried out on 22.04.2022. Educational and fun filled activities were organized to appreciate the uniqueness of Mother Earth. Children were narrated a story with the colorful props to make awareness about the hazardous effects of plastic bags for our sea life and future generation. They did coloring in the paper bag and also took the pledge - ‘SAY NO TO PLASTIC BAGS’. They were told about the small contributions they can make to save the environment. These included reusing waste, switching off lights, taking shorter baths and avoid playing with water, nurturing for trees, keeping their surroundings clean, avoid the use of plastic bags, etc. They were advised to adopt a tree and take care of the same. The children were further encouraged to save water and electricity. Some of the children prepared 3D paper bags of Mother Earth symbolizing that everyone must try to make the Earth a better place to live.
Creative expression helps children articulate their feelings and thoughts. To foster children’s imagination through art & craft and encourage free form of self-expression in our children, Creative Expression Activity was held for the Montessori children. The children enjoyed expressing their ideas and thoughts through various forms of art & craft like paper tearing & pasting, fork printing, best out of waste, paper folding, etc . This activity helped them in enhancing their aesthetic sense and all of them participated enthusiastically.


Let's celebrate, its festive hues,
Yearly festivals and colors to choose.
Let's celebrate, its festive hues,
And find the right color for you.
There are lots of festivals this month for me and you,
Bhai Dooj, Diwali and Govardhan Puja too.
Let's celebrate the colors of the festive hues,
For each and every festival, celebration, let us do.
If you are having gloomy days,
And you want happiness, for a while, that stays,
Let's celebrate the festive season today,
All your sadness will fade away.
Let’s celebrate the festive shades,
For sure, you will experience the happiest days.
Let's celebrate the festive shades,
And together, let go of any hate.
LOVE THY NATION- Patriotic Fervor
India is my country,
We all are its boundary.
We won't allow any terrorist robbery,
Yes, India is my country.
We live here in diversity,
Harmony, calmness and escaping atrocity.
We have temples made of gold,
Our heritage is rich with stories untold.
Yes, India is my country.
With pride, we cherish traditions old,
Let the cultures unfold.
Let's stand together, hand in hand,
Preserve the beauty of our land.
Aashmi khandelwal

Water droplets,
Falling from the trees.
Budding flowers,
Hovering bees.
Monsoon is the season of new green life,
Watching it rain and some fireflies.
Rain dripping with a sip of hot tea,
Everything green in rain dripping spree.
One drop of the rain,
Dripping down your cheeks.
Falling into the curve of your smile making it creek.
The making of a tree,
The making of life,
Rain helps in the growth of the wildlife.
Monsoon is my favourite season out of all,
Rain everywhere and rain dew forms.
Shanaya Arora
V - G
World Earth Day World Earth Day is the best opportunity to let everyone know how crucial Mother Earth is to us,
It’s time to help and save our Mother Earth, come on, don’t make a fuss.
“The Earth is also our mother” is a fact you can’t resist,
The Earth needs our help, without it, no creature can exist.
Use the 3 R’s, Reduce, Recycle and Reuse,
To understand our goal in detail, let us look at the Don’ts and Do’s.
You must try carpooling with your friends,
It’s really fun and one of the major things we have to amend.
You must be careful not to use vehicles that pollute the air very often,
Let’s make it a goal to let our bicycles be the vehicles that are common.
By growing trees, you can multitask at the same time,
As you can learn about the growing of a tree and save the earth and it’s not a crime.
All right, we cannot waste time anymore,
Because it’s Mother Earth we are doing all this for.
Go and get the help from your friends and family, they’ll help you do it,
When you start achieving this goal to save Earth, “It’s really cool”, you’ll have to admit.
Make sure you do it nicely and put efforts in this cool task,
“How can I save Mother Earth”, will not be the question to ask.
Atharv Arora

Something needs to end to have a new beginning,
Time needs to be spent to have a new beginning.
One may think it’s over, but it was just an inning,
Even if lost, experience is what we are winning.
To hope is what keeps us alive,
To hope is what makes us thrive,
To hope is to dream as to hope is to begin.
Thus, hopes are new beginnings.
And, as we begin this new session
I hope new adventures await us,
I hope knowledge liberates us,
I hope we make new friends,
I hope we enjoy all the time that we spend!
Shanaya Arora
The Time of spring enriches us,
As it commences the new beginning of summer.
The glory of birds whirl around the world,
Plants begin to grow and flowers begin to bloom.
New green and fresh leaves appear on the trees and bush,
New, fresh and juicy fruits grow.
And, we enjoy it with playing lutes,
When the buds of plants break.
So, baby flowers blooms,
The sweet nectar and fragrance of flowers.
Are the favourite of butterflies,
We tend to see most of the changes occurring in this season.
The days get longer and snow begins to melt as the weather gets warmer,
Animals become active in spring and do migration.
So, I hope you enjoyed this journey of fruitful season ‘Spring’,
And, that is the world’s best thing.

New Year - New hopes and New Beginnings
We wish you a happy new year,
As it’s the time of peace and love.
Let’s all forget our sorrows and sins,
And bring in New Year.
It’s the time of festivities,
That we all should celebrate.
Chocolate, candies, toffees, cakes,
This is what all we make.
Now is the moment to forget our past,
And rejoice in this New Year.
It’s the time of new beginning,
This should be the time for winning.
Let’s pray that all the evil things go far away,
And God should not give them any way.
Kairav V B
Bells and carols in the air,
Christmas is almost here.
Time has come for joyous feast,
So, let us forget our sorrows for a day at least.
Christmas tree are lightning bright,
All ready for the Christmas night.
Make a wish for someone close,
Who needs your love and support.
I hope Santa has not lost my letter,
I wrote,
Dear Santa, please make word a little better.
No bitterness and envy in heart,
Just joy and gratitude in everyone’s cart.
Adhira Sharma V - F

Children are a treasure,
Their worth you cannot measure.
They hold the future in their hands,
Treat them with all the grands.
Never ever hit them or shove them around,
Never ever break their dreams to the ground.
They’re the vehicle of growth,
Of the world and country both.
They are bright and shining star of the sky,
Let them fly high and make sure they never cry.
Sahej Arya IV - F
Festivities are in the air,
We must celebrate them with care.
Like Diwali without crackers that make our atmosphere polluted,
In the no usage of crackers’ list, eco-friendly crackers are also included.
Dussehra should always be celebrated with pride and fun as it indicates the victory
of good over evil,
This is just for your knowledge’s retrieval.
Bhaiya Dooj is the festival of grand celebration between sisters and brothers,
That is why, it is the favourite festival of all the mothers.
Let us all enjoy the festivities which are just around the corner,
Let’s celebrate these festivities uniquely that they become known by every foreigner.
I hope now that you will always celebrate these festivities as you should,
And I know that you surely would.
Atharv Arora

Our Gurus are the people who teach us educational activities,
Just for us and our education, every time, they work like busy bees.
We should always give full stars to our Gurus in rating, And every Guru has their own unique style of educating.
Gurus teach us, Gurus help us in understanding and search what their students are good at,
Gurus teach us many good values like if you spot a poor, alone cat, then immediately help that cat.
Our Gurus lead us to the path of knowledge,
We have our Gurus in school as well as college.
All of our Gurus try their best to teach their students diligently,
Our Gurus teach us and make our brains mighty mentally.
Gurus never ever betray us, in fact, they adore us and give all the good things to us,
As they love us and teach us not to enter alone in a vehicle like a bus.
I, Atharv Arora, always respect all of my Gurus,
And love the time when they ask me to give the answer of their question by giving me clues.
Let’s make everyone respect their Gurus,
And that when we do it, there’s nothing we lose.
Atharv Arora IV F
The freshness of life,
Like the sharp edge of knife.
To wipe out tears,
To fade out fears.
To care when we need,
To scold when we
show greed.
To slap as hard when we lie,
That's where a friend stands by.
Loves and lives,
Friendship stays and heals.
Wherever we go, wherever we stay,
Friendship always pays.
I imagine myself fortunate,
Your presence in my life means a ton to me.
My future in your absence,
I don't want to see.
You will always be there for me,
Guiding and taming the devil in me.
Stay the way you are now always,
And helping me through life's maze.

Today , it was raining like cats and dogs,
Everything fell down,
Even the trees and logs.
Dancing in the rain,
Is always so refreshing .
The rain is so beautiful,
So I prefer sketching .
I like to jump in the
puddles all around,
Here and there wherever
They are found.
I think it should always rain ,
We get to beat the heat
And get to have so many treats.
I think it should always rain ,
Because raining
Is the best thing in my brain.
I think it should always Rain
Divena Singh Vth - A
Invest in our planet by planting some seeds,
It’s what our Mother Earth needs.
Use the three R’s, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle,
And help the world by using a bicycle.
Come on, Come on, it’s not that hard,
You can do it without any help of a wizard.
Conserve water,
For now, and for the time it gets hotter.
If you really wanna do it,
I hope you have understood it.
You can really do it,
It will only keep you and the Earth fit.

The path looks difficult when u start,
Many times, you get sweat, pain and even scars.
No other journey can ever be so effortful,
But the destination of this path is beautiful.
Trust yourself and work hard for your goals,
Just remember never cheat and be true to your soul.
The fruit of hard work is always sweet,
Sow your dreams now,
One day it’s a shiny future you reap.
To work as hard as a bee,
To collect honey as much as can be.
Look at the ant, not a minute of waste,
Continuously building in a haste.
Do not sleep like a bear,
Covered with blankets full of winter fear.
Get up early in the morning,
To thank the Sun and stay adorning.
Keep the books by your side,
Stay alert and do not hide.
Be as bright as the Sun’s light,
Hard work will open all ways wide,
And success like a kite will raise you high in the sky.
Nitya Devgan
V- F

Friends are like peas in a pod,
Sometimes even in number and sometimes odd.
They all grow together,
Giving a helping hand to each other.
Even after a fierce fight,
They again join fast for the flight of life.
Sometimes you can spot them playing ludo, chicklets, snakes and ladders,
Sometimes just having a cup of tea with nice chatters.
Even if you are old or young,
Everyone needs a friendly hand,
To continue the journey on this wonderful land.
Nitya Devgan V F

It was a stormy night. The parents were not at home. In the small cottage by the forest, Juno and Ira huddled close to fire. The wind howled and rattled the windows while the thunder shook their small home. Juno, went to the window and noticed the sky. It was dark. Huge flocks of birds were going one after the other across the sky. A herd of deer ran past their cottage in the same direction. Other animals followed their way. “Animals can sense natural calamities”, he thought. They must be running away to safety. Turning back to Ira, he said, “we have to go now. Something bad is going to happen. We better go outside”.
It was pouring cats and dogs and they were soaking wet in no time. The rabbits ran past them. They were scared as leopards and tigers rushed past without even looking at them. And then, they heard a roar. It was a lion and he was coming this way. They ran into the forest and reached the edge of the cliff. There was nowhere to go.
In a flash of a second, the ground gave in. Juno and Ira found themselves falling down the steep cliff. They screamed in terror. Instead of dark valley, underneath them was a strange green glow. A vast spaceship was rising up and within moments they found themselves caught by giant mechanical arms and pulled inside the ship.
They found themselves standing in what looked like a theme park. There were monkeys riding the swings, horses having fun on the merry go rounds and cats managing ice cream parlors. Hippos played the trumpets while the lions roared and sang songs. Snakes hopped on trampolines and rabbits were busy cleaning the ground.
Juno and Ira struggled to understand what was going on. They could hear animals talk, just like humans! They did not have to wait for long. A pelican flew up to them and asked them who they were and how they came inside. Juno told them that they were lost in the forest and Ira explained that they were being hunted by wild animals.
The pelican started laughing and asked them to follow him. They walked into a cafeteria where he got them some tea and cakes. Juno and Ira ate hungrily. All the animals now came in to see what was going on. They all looked shocked seeing humans and started making a great fuss. “Silence”, said the mouse. His commanding and booming voice showed his rank and authority in dealing with such matters. The lion came forward and apologized to the mouse saying that it was his roar that led to this issue but he was only calling the animals back to the ship as the earth time had ended. Juno asked what this meant. The mouse explained that long back all the animals along with humans came to earth from a distant paradise on an intergalactic trip but the humans fought with all, believing themselves to be superior and started killing animals as soon as they reached earth. They multiplied by millions and destroyed the nature. The humans
spoiled the seas, the land and the sky. Now the place was dead and animals are going back leaving the humans here on earth.
Ira wept as she realized the truth in these words. Juno, with his eyes down cast and head bent asked the mouse if nothing could be done. The mouse said, “What is done can be undone if only humans can see the reality. We are all but one. No one is big or small. We are all alive and to live for each other is the only thing that needs to be done. Any place where we live deserves our respect and care, be it earth or paradise”. The animals agreed in unison. Juno and Ira wiped their tears and hugged all the animals. The ship rose gently into the night sky and all the animals waved good bye to Juno and Ira as they were beamed back safe and sound to their home at the edge of the forest.
By Anvi Mehta
Mental health is a type of well being. Just like we keep our body physically healthy by exercising regularly , we have to keep our mind healthy as well by doing mental exercises. Not taking care of your mental health can lead to multiple problems like anxiety, depression and many more. The WHO suggests that half of the world’s population suffers from mental health diseases with an impact on their self-esteem , relationships and ability to function in real life. An individual’s emotional health can impact physical health as well. Poor mental health can lead to problems such as the inability to make adequate decisions and substance abuse. We can surely keep it safe and sound with the magic of activities like meditation and managing emotional quotients. We can shatter and smash what stands between our way and our dreams. So the power lies within us and we need to gear up and explore the positive side of ours.
Agamjot Singh Bindra VII G

I wonder what would be in space.
Would planets be running an annual race?
Do aliens live,
or were they alive?
Is one of the many questions I really want to hide?
Does water float,
Or does it go through a tunnel because of some silly note?
I wonder about this zero-gravity thing.
Is it just me or do aliens ring doorbells “ding, dong, ding?”
The universe is an amazing thing,
where stars and comets dance and sing.
Kavya Maheshwari VII-B
Chocolate is a sweet which makes us happy,
If you share it with others, it will make them feel better.
Chocolate is in golgappas,
Chocolate is in paan,
Chocolate is in cake and
Sometimes in naan.
Chocolate is in movies,
Chocolate is in songs ,
Chocolate is in ads and
It is also in corn.
Chocolate melts, chocolate freezes,
Chocolate makes us better but
Overeating turns into a disease.
Chocolate is light, chocolate is dark,
Chocolate is white and sometimes it is a spark.
I need it here, I need it there,
I need it on the land and in the air.
White chocolate, dark chocolate, mild chocolate galore,
I knew I could eat 100 pieces and more.
Bhavika Bansal VI B

Some friends are a true gift.
Through any phase of laughter, we uplift.
Along with me through every stage,
Even at the worst, there is somebody ready to encourage.
I ensure thy trust is mine.
Through our journey of a lifetime,
Friendship is like a solitaire,
From all the memories we share.
You magnify my happiness,
No matter what, our amity is priceless.
Pranavi Kapoor VII F

Jaiveer Singh, a chivalrous monarch, ruled over a very vast empire. His dexterity with arms and adroitness with war strategy were admired, respected and feared by one and all. Although he wasn't very old, just thirty-one, he had fought many a battle. His face and body had innumerable scars to show his bravery and courage. However, just as it is with any obsession a person entertains, his infatuation with war seemed insatiable, and he would plan one more battle just after winning one.
One day, the warrior ruler called all his ministers and commanders to his presence in the royal court. He had decided to invade a faraway island, and the sole agenda of the meeting was to strategise the assault. One after the other, the attendees were offering their suggestions, some of which the king nodded to in approval, whereas others he discarded with a disdainful shake of his head. Suddenly, one of the guards came in. He bowed respectfully before the king, and said, "His Highness! There's a sage at the gate who wishes to see you. What shall I tell him, O great king?” The king's brow creased in deep thought. He didn't want the deliberations to be disturbed, and yet, he had always held sages and seers in utmost esteem. He said to the guard, "Bring the enlightened one in with reverence. And ask Maharani to come to court immediately. We will seek the exalted one's blessings together."
The guard rushed to obey the king. In a few minutes, the sage was in front of the king who couldn't take his eyes off the radiant face of the sage. The king fell prostrate at the lotus feet of the sage, who raised his right hand to bless the king. Soon, the queen joined them in the court. The king humbly addressed the sage, "O wise one! What brings you here? How may I, your humble servant, serve you?"
"Why do you shed blood, O king?" said the great sage to King Rahul Singh. The king could not answer the question immediately. He had trouble looking at the eyes of the great sage whose eyes were brighter and more luminous than the sun. The king had an insatiable lust for territory, and he had fought umpteen wars in the ten years he had been on the throne of Pratapgarh, a prosperous kingdom in the heart of India. The king was respected for his valour and strategic acumen, and he was feared for his ruthlessness and aggression against his enemies. No one had dared question him till then, and now, Sage Nimit, had questioned him about the reason which led him to fight one battle after another. The king answered, "O Revered Seer! I
wage wars so as to expand the boundaries of my kingdom, to bring glory to my illustrious ancestors and to fetch prosperity to my subjects. Is that not enough?" The sage asked him, "Rahul, some of your forefathers were braver than you are. Some of you held a kingdom larger than yours. Did any of them take anything along with them to the next word?" The king was stunned into silence. His face revealed the churning going on inside him. After pondering over the question for a while, he got up from his throne, walked up to the sage, and threw himself at the feet of the latter. Tears of remorse were spilling out of his eyes. The sage said, "Promise me that you will fight no more wars. Win hearts not lands. You can change the lives of people. Do it by doing good to them." The king bowed his head, and in that gesture was the unspoken promise that he would no longer fight with a sword.
Mishita Gogia

Blast white
Billowing smoke
My eyes filled in tears
My heart sinks
Filled in sorrow
Tired of hearing gunfire
With all this hatred
We will sink in darkness
It scares me
Want this war to end
I know it will not
But still
I hope
By Anadyaa Ghai X E
The green earth where I lived once I miss it a lot
We are away
Somewhere lost to find a new world
To destroy
I could barely remember the lush green earth,
Where I lived once
Remember my future going in junk
With all pollution, we grown on our earth
Some blamed me, some I blamed
But we all together made my future, a hell
Remembering my lush green earth
Which is lost somewhere in this busy polluting world

The night is dark
The night is bright
The night is full of silence of stars
The night is full of howl of wolves
The night is starry
The night is stormy
The night is a home of glimmering moon
The night is a home of twinkling stars
The night is an unforgettable dream
The night is a sweet memory
The night is dark The night is bright
By Anandyaa Ghai X E
There is no stage or age in our life when we do not come across challenges, and there is no age or stage in our life when we do not seek success after overcoming these challenges. The academic life of students very truthfully reflects this scenario since it is there academic success which becomes the launch pad for them to take their life after academics into an orbit of satisfaction and glory. However, academic success comes only to those students who step on some stones which help them climb to the peak of challenges.
This difficult and demanding journey towards the port of academic success begins with setting appropriate goals. Goals should be set keeping in mind strengths and weaknesses unique to individual students. Unrealistic goals bring only frustration and desperation and never help the cause. Students should also set goals keeping in mind what their destination is since working too fast or too slowly is equally harmful.
As the journey to academic excellence is a very long and winding one, mixed results are always expected. Students should introspect regularly asking themselves pointed questions and answering them honestly. This is the only way to learn about the mistakes that have been made and find a way not to repeat them again.
Mishita Gogia X-B

“Life cannot be without food; when we destroy the lands that give food, we destroy the foods that give life!” - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Food security, as defined by the United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security, means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
Over the coming decades, a changing climate, growing global population, rising food prices, and environmental stressors will have significant yet uncertain impacts on food security. Adaptation strategies and policy responses to global change, including options for handling water allocation, land use patterns, food trade, post-harvest food processing, and food prices and safety are urgently needed.
“People can survive on very small amounts of food but it will kill them, and if they get interrupted and go below those minimums, they will die of hunger,” says Daniel Maxwell of Georgetown University. In other words, even if individuals do not directly starve to death, they can live in such a situation where they do not consume enough calories that their body does not develop or function properly. This makes them more susceptible to infectious diseases and more likely to die from them.
Summing up, food security is an essential means of livelihood and survival. There is evidence of food security being a concern many thousands of years ago. For the three billion people who live in proximity to famine, insecurity prevents them from securing food on a regular basis. This issue needs attention so as to not destroy the future of this world.
Mishita Gogia IX B
No, I will not do what others want me to,
But what my heart desires.
No I'll not curb the free flight of my heart come what may,
But let my heart soar the skies of its dreams.
No, I'll not bow to the pressure - peer or parental,
But I'll pressure them to bow to what my heart pressures me to.
No, I'll not restrict myself to only what books teach me,
But I'll write a book using my imagination.
No, I'll not let the lure of the lucre limit me,
But I'll let the lure of lucre be limited.
No, I'll not let myself be limited to only myself,
But I'll let myself be one with this cosmos.
No, I will not feel sorry for myself
knowing full well that as each day goes by the less opportunities I have.
No, I will not be the demon in my mind
I will be much stronger and kinder on the inside.
No, I'll not let any negative emotions home with me,
But I'll let every negative emotion drain out of me.
I'll not let any positive emotion ever leave me,
But I'll welcome them like my dear friends to live in me forever.
No, I will not fret for the rest of my life
But free I will keep from hate and strife.
No, I will not worry about anything
But, let lust and sin and anger sleep.
No, I'll not stay silent to let you be comfortable.
No I'll not be sorry if you feel nothing I do is good enough
No, I will not let these expectations get the best of me,
I'll do what I want irrespective of whether you agree.
No I'll not lose confidence,
but be like I own the place.
No, I'll not let the doubt take over and let the passion inside me die.
I won't surrender to the pressure of the society
and settle for a comfortable life
No, I'll not change myself,
but I'll be who I am.
Mishita Gogia IX B

Has hard work ever gone in vain?
Is it possible to become successful without pain?
Try harder, never lose hope,
Don't forget, there’s always scope
Reach out, show your real self
Take out the box of possibilities from the upper shelf
A better bright future is waving at you
Prove yourself, this is your cue
Tiya Singh IX B

The earth is giving us a warning,
We have increased the level of global warming
Smoke covers the entire sky,
Animals around the world die
Yet we sit silently,
Killing the earth violently
Why don't you understand
We can save the world hand-in-hand
Tiya Singh IX B
One dark cloudy and frightful night, I was suddenly awakened by the dazzling light. Still not completely shaken out of my slumber, I saw, from the window of my room, something strange, something mysterious and terrifying too. I was sweating and frightened, I saw a weird object in the dark sky revolving around in a starry atmosphere with flashing colourful lights. The environment was thunderous and it was going to rain. It was a UFO and I couldn't believe my eyes. Then it landed creating a lot of disturbance, I wasn't able to see how the landing was made as dust particles were swirling along in the air. When the vision was clear, I saw some aliens coming out of the UFO. Suddenly he saw me and stared at me which horrified me. I was panic stricken and tried to hide myself in the bed clothes. The alien was coming close to the window of the room and then my mother entered the room. She greeted me good morning and politely told me to get ready for school. I felt a sense of relief that it was only a dream!
Ashira Sehgal IX-B