Interact Club Session 2018-2019

A total of 200 kg of old newspaper was collected and were exchanged for saplings from Select City Walk, Saket (directed by Rotary Club of Delhi Midtown).

A campaign to collect old and new toys for the NGO, Toy Bank, was started by the students of all departments and were donated on winter carnival.

The club organized- Annual winter campaign to collect old woollen clothes for the NGO- ‘Karuna the Compassion’.

Fund raising activities were organised on 16 December 2018 on school’s annual winter carnival. A photo booth was set up to raise funds and a slogan writing competition was organised highlighting various social issues. The club had also invited 10 under privileged children from NGO, Karuna: The Compassion. A donation of Rs 10,000 and 16 boxes of reusable old woollens was also made to the NGO.

BLOOD DONATION CAMP                          

The Interact Club in collaboration with Rotary Club, Delhi Midtown, organised a Blood Donation Camp on 17 February 2018, in the school premises. 36 people volunteered for donation and 20 units of blood was collected. The donors were given a certificate and refreshment after the donation.