Are there any specific recommendations for the attendance of the students in their classes?
The students are required to have a minimum of 75% attendance of the total number of working days of the school.
Does the school encourage outside classroom learning?

It is an integral part of our scheme. Eco-Club, Literary clubs, a number of national and international projects on issues of human rights, environment, social issues offer opportunities to develop sensitivity and world citizenship.

Does the school follow Life Skills Programme for the students? What is its focus?

Yes, we have an intensive Life Skills programme woven in the rich fabric of the school curriculum. The Life skills Programme helps in holistic personality development in all students so that they are able to lead balanced, happy and successful lives. The programme covers creative and critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills-effective communication skills, problem-solving and decision making skills, conflict resolution skills, cooperation, leadership and adolescent education.

Does the school have international student exchange program?

Yes, we have partnership with a school in Germany. We are also part of the Connecting Classroom program under the aegis of British Council. We are a lead school registered with Generation Global (Tony Blair Faith Foundation).We are also a part of   EUmInd Program and Australian Bridge Program.

Does the school provide transport facility to the students?

Yes, the school owns a fleet of well- maintained buses equipped with Global Positioning System for surveillance catering to all the zones of Delhi. Students travelling in buses are always accompanied by teachers for additional security purposes.

How are activities and sports conducted for an effective teaching learning process?

Our curriculum is a unique blend of world class pedagogy and teaching methodology. The amalgam of various activities is an integral part of teaching methodology. Exposure to multiple activities enables us to tap into the diversity of intelligence of each child, discover their strengths and provide a suitable platform to excel.
Language skills, along with personal, social and physical education are a part of academic learning. We have extensive sports facilities with a structured program to encourage students to pursue sports seriously.

How are the counseling services provided in the school?

Positive interventions are provided by the teachers on a day to day basis to support the developmental needs. A qualified counselor functions in close coordination with the teachers. Another qualified counselor takes care of the needs of career counseling and guidance.

How can parents communicate with the school?

Teachers are the main medium of communication between the parent and school. Parents can discuss their wards’ progress or simply share their views and suggestions during the Parent Teacher Meetings which are organized at regular intervals. However, they can also meet the Principal , Vice Principal, Headmistress or the teachers personally on all working days with prior appointment. Parents can also interact with school through Student Portal.

How does school communicate with parents?

The school organizes Parent Teacher Meetings on a regular basis to acquaint as well as update parents about the performance and progress of their wards. The school and the staff may also request to meet individual parents at any time of the session as and when required. The school body also interacts with the parents during Orientation Programmes, Life Skill sessions and various workshops arranged in the school campus to promote a healthy parent-school relation. In emergent situations, the school sends information through SMS/ email.

How is the competence of faculty ensured?

There is a rigorous process of selecting the faculty members. The process involves group discussion and presentation, written test, interview and class demonstration. To continuously enhance the skills of the faculty and to keep them abreast with the latest developments in the field of education, regular in-house as well as external workshops for the teachers are conducted.

How many languages the students would be expected to study at the primary level and at the middle and secondary level?

At the primary level, the students would be expected to study two languages and subsequently from class VI the learners would study three languages.

Is residential facility available?


Is there a provision for under privileged students to receive education at Bal Bharati Public School?

Yes 25% seats are reserved for this section as per the provisions laid down by the Govt. /RTE at the entry level.

The school is affiliated to which board ?

The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education and is running classes up to grade XII.

What are the options for the study of languages at the middle and secondary stage?

At the middle and secondary stage, the learners study three languages. One of them is English and the remaining one is Hindi and the third would be either Sanskrit, German or French as per the procedure followed by the school.

What are the school timings at various levels?

Timings at different levels are:

 Pre school and Pre primary  8.30am to 12.30 pm
 Class I – III  7.30am to 1.45 pm
 Class IV- V  7:30 am to 1.50 pm
 Class VI – XII  7:30 am to 2.00 pm


What are the visiting hours?

Parents can meet the school Principal, Vice Principal, Headmistress and Administrative Officer from 8:30 am to 9:30 am on all working days. Class teachers, School Counsellor and Special Educator will be available only in the Zero period (7:30 am to 8:15 am) and on non- teaching Saturdays. A word of intimation through your ward or a prior appointment will be highly appreciated.

What is the assessment pattern of Bal Bharati Public School ?
Class Assessment Pattern
Pre School & Pre Primary No formal assessment
I – V Assessment is done through Cycle Tests and Class Activities both oral and written.
VI – X CCE system. Two terms with two Formative Assessments and one Summative Assessment per term.
XI – XII As per CBSE guidelines.

What is the entry level to school?

At Bal Bharati, the entry level to school is Pre- school. The age criterion for Pre-school is 3+ years as on 31 March of the year of admission.

What is the main focus in the school’s Physical and Health Education curriculum?

We believe in the maxim, ‘Healthy mind resides in a healthy body’. Our Physical and Health Education curriculum focuses on the concept of holistic wellness and healthcare – physical, mental and emotional. It enables our learners to bring synergy between body, mind and spirit in order to maximize their productivity in life; motivates them to pursue exercise and games with relevant skills; acquire necessary traits of sportsmanship both on and off the field; learn values and life skills that would help to live life with confidence and conviction; understand and appreciate growth dynamics of the body and the mind.

What kind of systems are followed by the school to ensure the safety, security and hygiene standards?

The safety and security of children is the prime concern of the school and all plausible steps are taken to ensure it in the school campus and the school buses. This includes CCTV surveillance, fire fighting measures and disaster management techniques of highest standards. The security guards at the gate and at various vantage points are trained to control and monitor any kind of movement inside the campus.
School buses are equipped with Global Positioning System for surveillance & speed governors.
To meet any medical emergency, the school has professionally qualified full time doctor and nurse on its rolls. 
Highest standards of hygiene and sanitation are maintained. RO filtered water is available for the students.

When does the admission in class XI begin?

In the months of March-April provisional admission is done as per the criteria announced by the school.

When does the admission in other classes take place?

Admission in the other classes are subject to availability of seats. Inquiries are invited in the month of March.

When does the admission process begin?

Pre-school (Nursery) admissions begin in December after a notification is issued by the Govt. of NCT, Delhi. Registrations are invited online.

Which organization runs this school?

Child Education Society (Regd.) runs the school.