PTA Elections 2022


Election to the Executive Committee of Parent Teacher Association is to be held for the following posts:


1. Chairman

Principal of the School is Ex Officio Chairman of PTA

2. Vice Chairman

01 Female

Vice Chairman

01 Male

3. Hon. Secretary

01 Female

4. Joint Secretary

01 Male

Joint Secretary

01 Female

5. Hon. Treasurer

01 Male

6. Members






  1. Election to the PTA Executive Committee will be held in two stages.  At the first stage class representatives shall be elected and then the class representatives will elect the Executive Committee.
  2. Class representatives will be elected for each class, leaving aside Pre-School and class XII.
  3. There will be in all 12 class representatives, half of the class representatives will be male and half female. Accordingly, every alternative class will have a male or female class representative, starting from class Pre-Primary as a male class representative so class I will have a female class representative and so on. This year we already have class representatives for classes 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th. Hence, no new class representative from these classes needs to be chosen.
  4. In all there are 08 posts for parents on the PTA Executive Committee. The remaining four class representatives will be special invitees to PTA.
  5. After Every two years elections will be held for the 04 posts and 04 posts will be carried over.
  6. The maximum tenure of membership of a parent will be six years.
  7. Parents of the PTA Executive Committee are expected to devote time towards activities of the school and be regular for the meetings.
  8. The Executive Committee member not attending three executive meetings can be considered for removal from the PTA membership.
  9. A PTA Executive member not contributing positively towards the initiatives of PTA can also be considered for removal with a 3/4th majority of the PTA Executive Committee.
  10. A parent will remain a member of PTA Executive Committee only if his/her ward continues to be a student at the school. In case a parent member seizes to be a parent of the school, another member can be coopted at his/her place.
  11. PTA Executive Committee members are sometimes invited for major school functions either in person or with spouse depending upon the occasion. All PTA Executive Committee members will maintain decorum on such school functions and will ensure that their wards do not accompany them to such functions and remain with the other students at the school.
  12. No PTA Executive Committee member will approach the school staff directly for any discussion without routing it through the Principal/Chairman of PTA.
  13. PTA Executive members will follow the rules of the school as are applicable to the other parents of the school.
  14. PTA members on the Managing Committee of the school will be elected in the first meeting of the newly constituted PTA Executive Committee.
  15. PTA Executive members are expected to send the points for discussions in the Executive Committee meetings in advance to the Principal/Chairman of the Executive Committee so that information can be collected and shared in the Executive Committee meetings.
  16. Chairman, PTA Executive Committee can allow any point for discussion depending on the urgency of the matter even if not listed in the agenda.
  17. Hon. Secretary of the PTA Executive Committee will issue the agenda of the Executive Committee meetings through email.
  18. The minutes register of the PTA Executive Committee will be kept in school and will be maintained by the Hon. Secretary.