Making a Magnetic Fishing Game
In the hands-on activity organised on 25.1.18 the students explored the principle of magnetism and created their own magnetic game. They first made a fishing rod with the help of a stick & a string and attached a magnet at the end of the string. They made fishes using colourful paper and placed a metal paper clip inside the fish. The students cheered with joy each time the magnetic rod attracted a fish. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity and recorded their observation on A4 sheet.
Rain in Jar
Light and Shadow Experiment
Making invisible ink
A fun-filled experiment was conducted by the students on 27.10.17. They made invisible ink using lemon juice and water. They used the ink to write a secret message on a blank paper and read the same in the light of a torch. The students found the experience magical. The reason behind the occurrence was explained and the oxidation property of lemon juice was highlighted.
Making a Rocket with Paper and Straw
The students made their own paper rocket using straws, paper cone & tape in the activity held on 21.09.17. The procedure of the same was demonstrated through a video, followed by live a demonstration by the teacher. The students enjoyed launching their rockets into the air by blowing at the open end of the straw.
Experiment - Does an Orange Float or Sink?
Balloon Rocket Experiment
The students explored the working of a Rocket with the help of a simple experiment using materials like straw, balloon, string and cello tape. They tried their hands on the experiment after demonstration by the teacher.